Integrale Coaching Professional

Short description

Do you want to:

  • Learn to coach in an innovative and high-quality way?
  • Gain a comprehensive framework where your expertise takes center stage?
  • Obtain an internationally recognized coaching diploma?
  • Guide people at a high level?
  • Develop your own coaching style?
  • Position yourself (even more) strongly in the coaching market?


Starting Autumn 2025 (Thursday/Friday)

  • September 18 & 19, 2025
  • November 6 & 7, 2025
  • December 11 & 12, 2025
  • January 22 & 23, 2026
  • March 5 & 6, 2026
  • March 20, 2026

What will I learn?

The Professional is the follow-up to the Essentials and the second part of our ICF-accredited Level 2 Integral Coaching program (Essentials + Professional). Over 11 days, you will learn to coach people in areas where you previously felt less confident and successful.

You will experience a rich palette of top techniques from across the coaching world. You will effortlessly master traditional frameworks while consistently delivering unique sessions. You will learn to coach in areas where you previously felt less secure and successful.

Intuition and creativity play a central role. You will learn to use everything that happens in a session—effortlessly and with humor—to achieve results. You will refine our patented "not-knowing" stance and flow, naturally guiding clients to the essence of their questions—and the transformative movement.

You will develop your own coaching style. Everyone has their own preferences, both technically and content-wise. The Integral method is open: everything you already know and will learn can be integrated into your approach. We actively encourage you to develop your personal palette.

We also explore the movement you are meant to create, working on this throughout the Professional program. We place a strong emphasis on bringing your vision into the world, whether in your work, personal life, or as an independent coach. After this module, you will be able to professionally integrate the material into your current environment and expertise.

What is the training format?

Module 1 - Advanced Coaching Skills

"Great sculptors and artists spend countless hours perfecting their talents. They don't pick up a chisel or a brush and palette, expecting immediate perfection. They understand that they will make many errors as they learn, but they start with the basics, the key fundamentals first."
—Joseph B. Wirthlin

In this module, we refresh the Coach Basics and take them a few steps further. Using surprising and challenging formats, we deepen your existing knowledge and add essential nuances. We explore the dynamics of the coaching conversation, the layers and themes that may arise. You coach and receive your first feedback.

  • Revisiting Coach Basics
  • Working with Wheels
  • Layered approach: Which layers does the client's question primarily involve? Common layers and themes in coaching conversations
  • Finding "The Thing": Quickly and efficiently getting to the core of the question
  • What kind of coach are you? First exploration of your coaching niche

Module 2 - Form Coaching

"The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said."
—Peter Drucker

As a coach, communication is your strength. Where your client lacks words, you will have multiple ways to bring the message—verbally or non-verbally—to the surface. You will also learn to navigate defensive and manipulative communication patterns, understanding the mechanisms clients use to protect themselves and their problems, and learning how to gently bypass or dismantle them.

As a coaching process deepens, underlying themes emerge. In this module, you will learn powerful reframing techniques across different layers and themes. You will communicate directly with the unconscious through metaphors. Recurring topics such as breaking old patterns, scarcity vs. abundance, fear of failure, and self-confidence will be addressed. Through sensory-based work, you will explore a new register—a different language—to connect with (the unconscious of) your clients.

  • Forms of "Form" in Coaching
  • Repairing disrupted communication and identifying patterns
  • Sensory-based coaching
  • Coaching with observations
  • Hearing what isn't said
  • Metaphorical coaching

Module 3 - Personality, Polarities, and Parts

"My mother said to me, 'If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.' Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso."
—Pablo Picasso

In this module, you will explore the benefits and risks of personality models. While they can be useful for understanding clients, they also come with the danger of judgment. We teach you how to navigate this balance and introduce you to the core principles of several well-known and widely used models.

Our personality is not a single entity, but rather a complex mix of conflicting voices. Through deep work with polarities and parts, we go beneath the surface to create real transformation.

  • The difference between different types of personality models
  • How and when (not) to use personality models
  • The core principles of common typologies (Discovery Insights, MBTI, Enneagram…)
  • Advanced work with polarities
  • Parts work

Module 4 - Systemic Coaching

"If we know where we came from, we may better know where to go.
If we know who we came from, we may better understand who we are."

The more we become aware of the systems we are part of, the better we understand why we act as we do—even when it goes against our conscious choices.

Personal coaching often hits a wall due to blind spots that do not lie within us, but outside us. Often, invisible forces shape our behaviors. Through systemic coaching and family/organizational constellations, you will gain insight into these forces and learn to create value within them.

This intense and mysterious module expands your awareness, shifting from Doing to Being, where a new way of coaching emerges: creating a Solution Space where the client does their own work. Expect two powerful experiential days that will forever change your perspective.

  • Systemic laws and dynamics
  • Systemic questioning techniques
  • Basics of one-on-one constellations: element selection, exploration, and interventions
  • Creating a Solution Space – Holding Space

Module 5 - Creative-Physical Coaching

"Creativity is just connecting things."
—Steve Jobs

No matter how structured your coaching models are, every coaching conversation is unpredictable—and every person is unique. As an Integral Coach, you will learn to read between the lines and help your client see (and feel) beyond their own limitations.

You will master structured creative techniques, but also develop an attitude of inspiration—allowing you to spontaneously craft impactful interventions tailored to each client.

  • Creative-physical formats
  • Playing with intuition and creativity
  • Working from "not-knowing"
  • Action metaphors
  • Integration of all Professional content + Final Coaching Rehearsals
  • Commitment & Certification

The Professional program builds on the Essentials, deepening complexity and technical precision. This program demands a higher commitment, including:

  • Technical depth
  • Observed coaching sessions with real-time feedback
  • Assignments & reflective reports
  • Mentor Coaching from Master Coaches
  • Regional practice groups & Monthly supervision
  • Certification Day, where participants coach and receive feedback
  • Successful participants receive the internationally recognized ICF Level 2 certificate at PCC level, qualifying them to apply for their own ICF coaching credential.

Will I receive a certification?

Integrale Coaching Professional Logo

Anyone who has attended at least 80% of the modules will receive the official YourCoach diploma for Integral Coaching Essentials.

The 42 lesson hours of the Essentials program are also the first step toward obtaining your Level 2 certificate at PCC level. This makes us one of the very few programs in Flanders that can offer this high-quality international certification.

What does PCC mean?

The ICF distinguishes three levels of competence for professional coaches. These are mainly measured by the number of hours of practical experience and the specific methods and attitudes involved.

  • Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
    A beginning coach with basic experience in standard coaching. At least 100 hours of practical experience. You can achieve this level with the materials from Integral Coaching Essentials and sufficient practice hours.
  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
    A professional coach with smooth coaching skills who knows how to tailor techniques and approaches to the client. At least 500 hours of practical experience. You can achieve this level with the materials and attitudes from Integral Coaching Professional, along with more practice hours.
  • Master Certified Coach (MCC)
    A master in coaching with a personal method that leads to deep transformational change. At least 2500 hours of practical experience. This level is achieved after multiple training programs and years of experience in various areas of coaching.


The Professional Coach Training builds upon the foundation established in the Essentials program. We take things up a notch in terms of complexity and depth of techniques and mindset—while also increasing the focus on practice and reflection. This training requires a greater level of commitment, including:

More Technical Approach

Integral Coaching Professional is more technical than the Essentials program. The focus shifts: your personal development remains important, but more emphasis is placed on your coaching skills and impact on the client's process. There is more practice, and structured feedback is provided. While many formats in the Essentials remain "invisible" to your conversation partner—allowing them to be applied in any setting—this program involves deeper, more complex, and explicit coaching techniques, requiring a formal coaching format and contract.

Observed Coaching Sessions

The teaching team is actively present during practice exercises, providing feedback and monitoring participants' progress. Each training block includes multiple practice moments to ensure everyone receives feedback multiple times.

Assignments and Reflection Reports

Between modules, participants receive assignments to support their personal growth and serve as examples of what they can offer clients. You will evaluate the training days, your development as a coach, and your personal growth.

Mentor Coaching

As a professional coach, you will also undergo coaching yourself. Those enrolled in the Level 2 Program receive individual Mentor Coaching from one of our Master Coaches.

Regional Practice Groups

Participants are divided into regional teams that meet between training days to practice what they've learned. This is essential, as each session builds upon the previous one.

Monthly Peer Supervision

We organize monthly practice afternoons for all participants. As part of the Integral Coaching Professional program, you are required to attend at least three of these sessions throughout your training. This helps you integrate the material, gain practical experience, and deeply explore any questions you may have.

Certification Exam

The Professional program concludes with a full day of coaching conversations. Each participant coaches and receives feedback. Those who attended all required sessions, submitted assignments on time, and delivered a coaching session at the required level will earn the Integral Coaching Professional title. Additionally, you will receive the internationally recognized ICF Level 2 certification at PCC level, allowing you to apply for your ICF coach credential almost directly.

Part 2 ICF-Accredited Level 2 Training

  • 11 Lesson Days (82.5 lesson hours)
  • 5 Observed Coaching Conversations with Written Feedback
  • 2 Group Supervision Sessions (7 lesson hours)
  • 1 Individual Supervision
  • 1 Certification Day with Feedback on a Coaching Session at PCC Level

Your Trainer: Benjamin Bal

Benjamin Bal Profile Picture

ICF MCC, Coach and Trainer, Master of Laws

  • ICF MCC coach
  • Certified coach and recognized career counselor
  • Certified family & organizational constellator and systemic coach
  • Founder of the coaching program Integral Coaching and the specializations in creative/physical and systemic coaching
  • More than 3,000 hours of individual life & business coaching
  • More than 150 group trainings on coaching, leadership, and public speaking
  • Master of Laws
  • Favorite topics include entrepreneurship and discovering invisible drivers in work and life


Loft 26, Sint-Salvatorstraat 18 / 104, 9000 Ghent

The Integral Coaching Professional program takes place at Loft 26, our own venue in the newly renovated Ghent Docks. In a bright and luxurious space, you'll find all the necessary facilities for an enjoyable and memorable training experience, including a fresh lunch and delicious coffee or tea.


The training consists of 11 days (including certification).

Doors open at 9:00 AM, and the training starts at 9:30 AM. The day ends at 5:00 PM.

Here's What Our Clients Say

"Hands-on, cut the crap, direct access to a skill set of coaching techniques that quickly reach the right level. The Essentials series is a gateway to awareness of coaching insights and also serves as a mirror for yourself. The Professional course builds on this and provides a wide range of efficient techniques that you learn to use with confidence. Exactly what I expected. I walked out with a great deal of confidence in coaching techniques that I wouldn't have dared to use 11 days ago."

– Wesley B., R&D Program Leader

"Pro, that's the right word. The trainers are pros, the training is pro, the quality is pro. Next level!"

– A. P.

"Highly practical and applicable. The course is a strong and broad complement to the vast amount of information and formats provided during the modules. Learning by doing at the highest level. Hands-on, creative, intuitive, and impactful."

– Olivier D.S.

"Top-notch, highly recommended! A brilliant course with lots of variety, tools, and knowledge... allowing you to start coaching immediately."

"The training is incredibly valuable for coaches who want to be more than just a question-and-answer coach. I especially learned how to go with the flow and let 'things' happen."

– Inès

"This training gives you a solid foundation as a coach and also helps you grow immensely as a person. The skills I have acquired are useful beyond the coaching context. I have learned to listen actively and communicate better. I have also become more empathetic, realizing that my worldview is not the same as someone else's. I have become more self-aware."

– An H.

"If you want to grow both as a person and as a coach, then the Integral Coaching Professional training is the one you must take. The combination of theory and real-life experiences makes the learning curve truly impressive. It is delivered in an engaging and dynamic way by a great trainer! For me, it has been a life-changing journey. Thank you for everything!"

– Diana

"The wide range of work methods provides you with an endless toolbox."

– Dries D., Coach

You can choose to go to a public training or buy the training for your company.

PRICE for public training:

€ 4850 (Excl. btw)

Certificate, extensive course materials, and fresh lunch included.

ICF Pack: Integral Coaching Essentials + Integral Coaching Professional for € 6650 ex BTW* (Save € 650). Only when Integral Coaching Essentials & Integral Coaching Professional are invoiced together!

If you want to make use of this promotion, we suggest you inscribe in both trainings without paying online, after which we will send you an invoice with the reduced price.


Employees can use KMO Portefeuille. Please indicate this when registering.

Incompany training:

Contact us to organise this as an incompany training. Incompany trainings can be in English or Dutch, Live or Online (or a combination of both).

Incompany training can also be customized to your needs.

18 Sep - 20 Mar 2026

9:30 - 17:00

Trainer: Benjamin Bal

Location:  Ghent

Language:  Dutch

Early bird until 17/6



(+ VAT)

Full price:  4850 (+ VAT)

Register now